6th Form Information Evening - 2024

Please read the following before booking:

This form is for prospective parents only. Parents who have children already studying at Aldenham do not need to use this form as communications will be handled internally.

If you are considering Aldenham 6th Form for more than one child, please remember to 'add a child' when booking. 


The evening will begin with a presentation from the Head of the Foundation and the Head of 6th Form. 

We look forward to welcoming you to Aldenham.
NB: Signing up for this event means you give consent for us to email you with information regarding this event and with further promotional emails regarding Aldenham School. Your data is held securely and processed in accordance with our Privacy Policy.




18:30 — 21:00

Aldenham School
Aldenham Road


Enter your email address to begin registration